Module of the Quarter 

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Spotlight on SMCR 

Primarily our SMCR Module allows users to track accountabilities in line with the FCA’s Senior Manager and Certification Regime, recording the individual accountable for specific roles held within the company. 

The system can also be updated to fit other regulatory processes or procedures which follow a similar structure to the SMCR model, such as induction and training, as the system is fully configurable. 

The system allows allocation of roles / responsibilities and assessment of ongoing suitability to perform the role(s) granted to an employee. 

Key benefits 

  • Configurable set up of roles and assessments, including approval workflows 
  • White labeled Certificates 
  • Ability to assign roles / responsibilities to employees. 
  • Control date periods to ensure that any overlap is strictly controlled. 
  • Allow employees to login and see the data that relates to them and their role. 
  • Structure assessments or certifications to allow different departments across the business to feed into an assessment / certification. 
  • Produce and retain certificates in the system for easy retrieval at any time. 
Module of the Quarter  My Compliance Centre
Module of the Quarter  My Compliance Centre
Module of the Quarter  My Compliance Centre

Use Case Example: 

  1. A new employee joins the company and holds a certification role. 
  1. The compliance team / HR team set up a new user account and assign a role to the new employee, recording joining dates and role effective dates. 
  1. The employee can go into the system and confirm the roles assigned to them. 
  1. Several processes of certification or assessment can then be implemented. 
  • A one-off onboarding assessment which confirms that data such as regulatory references, proof of qualification and credit checks have been collected. 
  • Separate topics can be assigned to HR or Line Managers, for example to collect and provide the data. 
  • Compliance can then complete a final check and sign off the employee as certified. 
  • A regular assessment (such as an annual fitness and propriety check), an example may be: 
  • The line manager is responsible for ensuring that job descriptions are up to date and appraisals have been completed. 
  • HR are responsible for ensuring all checks are up to date. 
  • The employee completes a fitness and propriety assessment. 
  • The compliance team can then view all data, sign off each area and produce a certificate in system to record the user as fit and proper to perform this role. 

These processes can be replicated for onboarding / reviewing AR’s and inductees. Such as Graduate programs, whereby employees are regularly assessed to ensure they are competent for the role they are performing. 

Module of the Quarter  My Compliance Centre

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