FCA Metrics 2023 

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The FCA metrics spreadsheet is independently produced based on the FCA’s published “outcomes and metrics”, as at June 2023.  You can view the original information here:  https://www.fca.org.uk/data/fca-outcomes-metrics

The data in columns B to F is quoted verbatim from the FCA’s website.

In addition, we have added some filters to make the data more usable. Those filters are in columns G-J.

Please note that these filters apply our assessment of each of the metrics and are not independently verified. You should consider the extent to which they apply to your own business.  However, they may help the data contained in the table be usable and accessible for you.

Once you are using the file, please note that there are two tabs in the spreadsheet, including both the tabular data and a summary.

To access and use the FCA Metrics File, please click here and complete the short form.

You will be e-mailed a link to download the file.

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