Release Date: 11th November 2014

To access the original FCA document, click here.


The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has imposed record fines totalling £1.1 billion on five major banks for failing to control business practices within their G10 spot foreign exchange (FX) trading operations. The banks involved are Citibank N.A., HSBC Bank Plc, JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, and UBS AG. These fines are part of an industry-wide action following findings that these banks undermined confidence in the UK financial system and posed risks to its integrity due to poor oversight and misconduct in their FX trading.

The misconduct included sharing confidential client information, manipulating FX spot rates, and colluding with traders from other firms. This behaviour led to clients and the wider market being disadvantaged. The FCA’s investigation, which extended from January 2008 to October 2013, highlighted insufficient controls, inadequate training, and a lack of effective oversight as key issues contributing to the failings.

In response to these findings, the FCA has not only levied fines but also announced a comprehensive remediation programme aimed at improving standards across the entire industry. This programme requires firms to address the root causes of these failings and ensure that senior management takes responsibility for change.

Key Takeaways for Other Firms:

This action by the FCA underscores the importance of integrity and proper conduct within financial markets. The size of the fines reflects the seriousness with which the FCA views breaches of regulatory standards, especially those that risk undermining the financial system’s integrity.

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