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Dear CEO | Release Date: 29th September 2022

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Long Summary

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a directive to CEOs within the insurance sector, detailing regulatory expectations in light of the escalating cost of living crisis affecting the UK. This communication outlines the specific responsibilities of insurance firms to manage risks effectively and ensure that consumer interests are protected during these challenging economic times.

Economic Context and Impact on Consumers

The persistent rise in living costs has disproportionately affected the most economically vulnerable households. Despite government interventions to mitigate these pressures, significant challenges persist. The insurance sector, in particular, faces the dual challenge of supporting consumers while managing increased operational costs, such as energy expenses and broader economic impacts affecting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

FCA’s Strategic Expectations for Insurance Firms

Support for Vulnerable Customers

Insurers are urged to intensify their efforts in identifying and supporting customers experiencing financial difficulties. This includes adhering to previously issued Covid-related guidance, which remains pertinent as firms navigate the ongoing economic instability.

Assurance of Fair Value

The FCA emphasises the necessity for insurance products to offer fair value. Insurers must assess their product lines and pricing strategies to ensure they do not exploit consumer vulnerabilities or contribute to financial strain.

Risks of Underinsurance

The risk of underinsurance is heightened as consumers might opt for lower levels of coverage to reduce premiums. Insurers are required to ensure that their customers are adequately informed and only offered policies that align with their actual needs.

Efficient and Fair Claims Handling

The FCA expects claims to be processed with efficiency and fairness, recognising the critical role timely claims resolution plays in preventing consumer hardship.

Inclusion of Multi-Occupancy Building Occupants

Insurance offerings must consider the needs of all occupants, including leaseholders in multi-occupancy buildings. These consumers often face unique challenges that can influence perceptions of value and fairness.

Analysis of Trends and Risks in the Insurance Sector

Pricing Trends

Despite the economic downturn, essential insurance products have not seen a significant reduction in consumer spending. However, insurers are advised to prepare for potential reversals in premium trends due to escalating firm costs and market adjustments.

Impact on Consumers and SMEs

Both individual consumers and SMEs are likely to experience increased financial pressure, potentially leading to reduced coverage or complete withdrawal from insurance protection. This scenario underscores the need for responsive insurer practices that consider long-term consumer relationships and market sustainability.

Focus Areas for Regulatory Attention

Premium Financing

The use of premium finance is prevalent, especially among financially vulnerable groups. Clear communication about the costs associated with such arrangements is crucial. Insurers must ensure these financial products are priced fairly and do not exacerbate consumer hardships.

Service Levels and Operational Efficiency

Insurers should maintain high service standards despite financial pressures. Adequate resources must be allocated to ensure claims are handled efficiently, supporting the overall customer experience and satisfaction.

Managing Underinsurance and Uninsured Risks

Firms need to be proactive in managing the risks of underinsurance, particularly as consumers look for ways to cut costs. Adequate information and transparent communication are essential to help consumers make informed decisions about their insurance coverage.

Regulatory Expectations and Compliance

Implementation of Consumer Duty

Insurers must prepare for the upcoming Consumer Duty regulations by enhancing their operational frameworks to deliver good outcomes consistently. This includes refining product designs, sales practices, and customer service processes to align with the new regulatory standards.

Supporting Customers in Financial Difficulty

Reflecting on lessons from the pandemic, insurers are expected to offer tailored support to customers facing financial challenges due to the cost of living crisis. This may involve flexible payment options, adjustments to coverage terms, and proactive customer engagement.

Monitoring and Enforcement

The FCA will intensify its monitoring efforts, utilising both firm-specific and industry-wide data to assess compliance. Firms may face regulatory actions if they fail to meet the expected standards, including revocation of permissions or imposition of capital requirements.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Insurance firms are called upon to critically assess their operational and strategic approaches in light of the outlined expectations. Proactive management and compliance with FCA guidelines are essential to navigate the current economic landscape effectively.

Continued Engagement and Support

Firms are encouraged to maintain open communication with the FCA, ensuring any concerns or challenges are promptly addressed. This ongoing dialogue will support the industry’s ability to adapt to regulatory changes and maintain the trust and confidence of consumers.

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