Release Date: 28th June 2021

To access the original FCA document, click here.


Crosfill & Archer Claims Limited was fined £110,000 by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for breaches related to their due diligence on customer data and telemarketing practices. The firm, a claims management company (CMC), failed to properly verify the provenance of data obtained from third-party providers and made unsolicited calls to individuals registered on the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) without the required consent. Additionally, there were issues with staff training on the use of their telemarketing dialler.

Key Takeaways:


The FCA’s enforcement action against Crosfill & Archer Claims Limited serves as a reminder for all firms to rigorously adhere to compliance standards, particularly in data handling and telemarketing practices, to avoid significant penalties and regulatory scrutiny.

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